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📓 Installation and Setup

Take time to ensure all necessary tools are correctly installed on your personal machine before the start of class. For Intro to Programming, this includes configuring the command line, installing and setting up Git, and installing VS Code text editor and its extensions. We cover setup and installation instructions in the upcoming lessons in this pre-work section. All you need to do is click the "Next" button to work through each lessons. We'll also list these lessons below as an overview.

This is where you can find the setup and installation instructions for each piece of software:

We Use the Google Chrome Browser​

We recommend installing Google Chrome if you use another browser on your personal machine. Chrome recognizes most of the latest JavaScript features and we use Chrome on Epicodus machines. We also use Chrome Developer Tools as well as other Chrome features throughout the program. You can download Chrome here.

Having Setup or Installation Issues?​

You will have the opportunity to get setup assistance from Epicodus staff. For in-person students, usually instructors set up a specific time and day to address set up issues. For online students, instructors typically meet with students on an as-needed basis. If you need setup assistance, let your instructor know as soon as possible. Please know that the assistance we can provide is limited and that we do not have the staffing to debug complex personal environment issues.