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📓 All Students Learn Remote Collaboration Tools

At Epicodus, all of our students learn remote collaboration and classroom tools. Remote work is more and more common in the tech industry, and it's important for all students to learn tooling for remote collaboration. This also allows us to be flexible as a school in the face of the ongoing pandemic.

In this pre-work section, we cover everything you need to know about preparing for online Epicodus classes and the remote collaboration and classroom tools that all students will use for in-person and online programs. There is more specific information in upcoming lessons, and your instructor will share additional direction and expectations in the first week of class.

You will learn about the following:

  • Setting up, customizing, and using Discord as the online classroom
  • Using VS Code Live Share for remote collaboration
  • Pairing remotely
  • Etiquette for pairing remotely
  • Daily schedule and attendance policy
  • Troubleshooting remote issues

As a general reminder, before the start of class you should make sure to read through all of the sections listed as pre-work in the Introduction to Programming Course. After you complete those readings, you will be ready to go for the first day of class!