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✏️ Journal #1 Discussion

As discussed in the Journaling at Epicodus lesson, each weekend you'll receive a journaling assignment in addition to your coding homework. You'll then discuss your responses with a partner at the beginning of the next class session.

Journal Response Discussion

This Section's Prompt

As you'll recall, you were asked to write responses to the following in your journal over the weekend, as detailed in the Journal #1 prompt:

  • Why did you make the decision to enroll in a coding bootcamp? What are you aiming to achieve by completing multiple months of technical trainings?

  • Do you already have specific goals for yourself in mind? If not, can you think of any now?

Discussion Questions

Before beginning today's programming work, spend a few minutes discussing what you recorded in your journal with your partner, using the following questions as a guide:

  • Are your goals and reasons for enrolling similar? Dissimilar? How and why?

  • You're both about to start a long journey together! Get to know each other a little.

Aim to spend no more than 15 or so minutes writing and discussing this prompt. Afterwards, advance to the next lesson where you'll continue learning important fundamentals you'll use every day for the entire program and beyond!